Magic Numbers Magazine
Magic Numbers is a global magazine that brings all the worldwide trends and market research results on what really affects us as human-beings living in society. Whether it’s abou…
Number topped 167454 reviewers!
Magic Numbers is a global magazine that brings all the worldwide trends and market research results on what really affects us as human-beings living in society. Whether it’s abou…
- Stay current with the latest articles through Early View – updated almost daily. - Be notified when new issues are available. - Download articles and issues for offline perusal. …
- Stay current with the latest articles through Early View – updated almost daily. - Be notified when new issues are available. - Download articles and issues for offline perusal. …
Keeping up with the news and understanding the context of big stories can be tricky. With numerous news sources vying for your attention, it can be difficult to find clear, unbiase…
Once you have the app, you will be able to access any future issue of MacUser, and any issue form the last three years, with a saving on the newsstand price. You will also be able…
This app is a straightforward reproduction of the magazine. Fully searchable and easy to navigate, it's a great way to access the magazine before it hits the newsstand. ----- Bac…
Webクリエイティブのための月刊『Web Designing』は、インタラクティブメディアのためのアイデアから技術、戦略、ノウハウなどを網羅したデザイン誌です。 このアプリーケションは、Newsstandに対応し、期間購読でWeb Designを購読いただくことができます。以下の点にご注意いただきご利用ください。 =ライセンスの購入について= 本アプ…
このアプリケーションはNewsstandに対応し、期間購読で、料理通信を購読いただくことができます。 =ライセンスの購入について= 本アプリケーションは無料でダウンロードすることができますが、すべてのコンテンツを閲覧するためには有料でコンテンツ閲覧ライセンスを購入していただきます。 =購読期間や購読管理について= 購読期間と料金は以下のものがあり、お客様…
Journal Subscribers: Log in with the same username and password that grants you access to the full journal content on the Ophthalmology website. These credentials will allow full a…