More than 1 million active members, including 50% of U.S. physicians, rely on Epocrates to enable better patient care by delivering the right information, right when it’s needed. …
Number topped 169525 reviewers!
More than 1 million active members, including 50% of U.S. physicians, rely on Epocrates to enable better patient care by delivering the right information, right when it’s needed. …
Get access to the world’s largest network of professional weather and lightning sensors for the most accurate forecasts, the fastest severe weather alerts and more. Only WeatherBu…
Get comprehensive access to global business and finance news, market data and portfolio tracking tools from the world's most trusted source. Personalize the information that matter…
- Full 88 key piano keyboard sampled from a real piano for maximum authenticity. - Record and save your compositions for later playback. Overdub as many times as you want, and re…
Compare These Features: * One Touch Recording * One Touch Stop & File Saved * Voice Email Up to 5MB * Records for Seconds or Hours * Pause Record and Resume * Adjustable Recording …
Talk instead of type: • Say “Ok Google” then ask a question* • Google will speak the answer aloud Ask Google to help you do things: • “What good restaurants are there nearby?” • …
The official IGN app for iOS features: - Customizable news feed -- Keep up on the latest, from PlayStation 4 to Xbox One and beyond - Video game and movie reviews -- Research the …
Good as apps go, glitches out some times but works fine. Better UI than website
Experience The Times’s award-winning journalism, elegantly designed with enhanced imagery and multimedia and streamlined navigation. The NYTimes app also includes our International…
AP is joined in this app by more than a thousand of its newspaper and broadcast customers in the United States, adding extensive local news coverage to the AP's unmatched world and…