Mariner Calc Spreadsheet for iPhone
Need access to Microsoft® Excel files? Mariner Calc has more functions than any other iPhone spreadsheet in the world which means greater compatibility with Microsoft Excel sprea…
Pdf+ (the mobile PDF reader)
PDF documents have a title, an author, a subject and keywords, and Pdf+ stores this useful information in its builtin catalog. Instead of having to remember lots of meaningless fil…
The Filipino News
The Filipino News is a RSS Reader app that brings you news from the leading online newspaper in the Philippines. With its iPhone savvy interface, you can quickly access various fee…
Documents Free (Mobile Office Suite)
••• Ranked the #1 overall BUSINESS APP ••• ••• on iTunes in OVER 40 COUNTRIES. ••• ••• Over 20 Million Users on iOS ••• ••• AS FEATURED ON APPLE, USA TODAY ••• iPhone's and iPad…
The Huffington Post
Navigate with ease through the real-time updates from HuffPost's Pulitzer-prize winning newsroom and international editions including the UK, Canada, Brazil, Germany, Spain, France…
Expensify for iPad
Incoming! for Skype
"Incoming!" works by re-routing the call through your home computer, converting your outgoing calls into incoming calls. You can pick who's phone will ring first or if you want ev…