Mango IRC
Mango IRC is a completely redesigned chat client for your iPhone, iPod and with Mango HD also a great companion for your iPad. Desktop version for Mac OS X is available in the Mac …
Number topped 170903 reviewers!
Mango IRC is a completely redesigned chat client for your iPhone, iPod and with Mango HD also a great companion for your iPad. Desktop version for Mac OS X is available in the Mac …
* PSD Viewer will run on your iPhone (takes advantage of Retina display), iPod Touch and on your iPad as well. Pay just once and use anywhere, since all devices are supported with …
This is where MyWallet as a secure passwords manager comes handy. * You can store plenty of information in pre-defined templates or simply create your own template if they doesn'…
Opening Adobe Photoshop PSD document files on iPhone? Impossible? Until now. When you install PSD Viewer on your iPhone you will be able to open PSD files from Mail, Safari or any …
Does exactly what I need without a problem on iPhone 5 using ios6
* Create standard QR Codes with vCards encoded inside * Scan QR Codes and import vCards directly to your Address Book using iPhone camera (supported formats when scanning: vCard,…
* Access and download all your photos and videos instantly without iTunes syncing and without installing 3rd party transfer utilities * Simply run WiFi Photo Access on your devic…
No Internet Connection is required as with other apps. Codes are created on your device without your personal information being submitted to 3rd party web site. * Create QR Codes …
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a form of real-time Internet text messaging (chat) or synchronous conferencing. It is mainly designed for group communication in discussion forums, cal…
In case you're not on your own network and you're using Internet Tethering through your iOS device, you will be able to connect also using Bluetooth, WiFi or USB cable. * Connec…
Switching to another iCloud account? Upgrading to newer iOS? Do you have another phone from different manufacturer? Perfect, you're prepared for any scenario. * You can backup who…