iBreathalyzer is a handy pocket calculator specially designed to help keep you out of trouble after Happy Hour! The app uses the fairly common "Widmark formula" to estimate your a…
Number topped 170185 reviewers!
iBreathalyzer is a handy pocket calculator specially designed to help keep you out of trouble after Happy Hour! The app uses the fairly common "Widmark formula" to estimate your a…
Now you can easily monitor the memory usage of your iPhone with Memory Monitor! Just like your desktop computer, the iPhone and iPod Touch OSX-Based operating system has backgroun…
Perfect for those times when know you won't have time to edit your photos with fancy editing software after you've taking all those pics. For example, take a photo with iLayer, an…
Outside of getting lost in the mall as a small child, you'll probably never feel as lost when returning to the airport parking lot after a business trip or vacation searching for y…
Inner Four's Fone2Mouse is a easy two step process, and since you own an iPhone or iPod Touch you already have one out of the way. Surf over to http://www.innerfour.com/iphone and …
It is an easy-to-use application that comes with tools to help make a boring process of "numbering crunching" a really enjoyable experience. Quick Budget offers the look and feel …
Disgust the people around you with 101 gross bodily functions - everything from farts, burps, pukes, queefs, coughs, spitting, and more nastiness. Inner Four's 101 Gross Sounds pul…
Also, you can set it so their background is randomly generated. The default messages are listed below but you can customize and create your own messages to be displayed on the scre…
“How High Are You?” is an altimeter that uses the GPS feature in the latest iPhone to give you up-to-date altitude readings as you get higher or lower. Great for flying, mountain c…
The “science” behind Eye Scan is the secret buttons located in each of the four corners of the screen that have different messages (listed below). Simply tap the corner that is pro…