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Read now the original story behind the Hollywood blockbuster Award Winning movie hit of 2008-2209. ****************************************** NEW! ✽ ✽ ✽ Try out our latest creat…
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Read now the original story behind the Hollywood blockbuster Award Winning movie hit of 2008-2209. ****************************************** NEW! ✽ ✽ ✽ Try out our latest creat…
Whether you are Muslim or not, whether you are a religious person or not, you should read this book even if only for better understanding of your neighbors. Anyone with an interes…
Learn all about Zen, Buddhism, Tao and the samurai spirit, in a unique ergonomic reader. SALE: $0.99 instead of $2.99 for a LIMITED time _________________________ Now ready for …
Probably one of the first, and definitely one of the most famous ancient books on personal improvement and attitude towards life, this will be enjoyed by many because of similariti…
Coming as a simplified and refined version of his most famous "Interpretation of Dreams", this book does not require any psychological and scientific training, in a form which sha…
Easy to understand, easy to prepare, the recipes in this book cover everything from fish or pork dishes to vegetarian ones, breakfast or cereal-based foods, deserts, eggs and many…
Books Included: * Zen For Americans - by Soyen Shaku * Manual of Zen Buddhism - by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki * Mumonkan (The Gateless Gate) - by Ekai, called Mumon * Shoyoroku (The Bo…
The stoic philosophy continues to be the source of inspiration for today's greatest creative minds, the inspiration of worldwide best selling author Tim Ferriss, multimillionaire e…
❤ Read the works, select and share favorite inspirational quotes ❤ The paper version of this collection would cost you hundreds of $$ in any bookstore and weight tens of pounds.…
Loving this app. Reading the books when I'm on the tube, the bus, at home and when I'm waiting for anything. The books a …