[iPhone God App] It was found using the Domain.com.au Rent and Share actually
Looking for an Apartment or House to Rent? Perhaps a share accommodation?
Searching for properties to Rent or Share on the go just got easier!
Domain's FREE* Rental App for iPhone allows you to search for properties to rent or share, no matter where you are.
• Search for properties for rent or share that fit your budget and criteria
• Add notes to a property that you like the look of
• Upload your own personal photos
• Search for Pet-Friendly properties
• Filter by Furnished properties
• Plan your day of open for inspections with the Inspection Planner tool
• Shortlist your favourite properties to view at your convenience
• Check open for inspection times
• Add inspections dates to your calendar and never miss another inspection
• Integrated to maps, to easily get directions and navigation
Share Properties
• Share properties with friends via email
• Email or call the agent/advertiser directly from your iPhone
• Sync your Domain.com.au account with your iPhone so you can save your short listed properties and Inspection Planner no matter where you are
Feedback and Suggestions
If you have any feedback on the current version, or suggestions for future releases, please email us at feedback@domain.com.au or chat to us on Twitter @domain_mobile
*The Domain app for is compatible with devices running iOS version 5.0 or later. Please note that while the Domain.com.au app for iPhone is free to download, users may incur fees as per their standard mobile or internet network charges for 'data retrieval'.
Searching for properties to Rent or Share on the go just got easier!
Domain's FREE* Rental App for iPhone allows you to search for properties to rent or share, no matter where you are.
• Search for properties for rent or share that fit your budget and criteria
• Add notes to a property that you like the look of
• Upload your own personal photos
• Search for Pet-Friendly properties
• Filter by Furnished properties
• Plan your day of open for inspections with the Inspection Planner tool
• Shortlist your favourite properties to view at your convenience
• Check open for inspection times
• Add inspections dates to your calendar and never miss another inspection
• Integrated to maps, to easily get directions and navigation
Share Properties
• Share properties with friends via email
• Email or call the agent/advertiser directly from your iPhone
• Sync your Domain.com.au account with your iPhone so you can save your short listed properties and Inspection Planner no matter where you are
Feedback and Suggestions
If you have any feedback on the current version, or suggestions for future releases, please email us at feedback@domain.com.au or chat to us on Twitter @domain_mobile
*The Domain app for is compatible with devices running iOS version 5.0 or later. Please note that while the Domain.com.au app for iPhone is free to download, users may incur fees as per their standard mobile or internet network charges for 'data retrieval'.
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Ranking chart
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Domain.com.au Rent and Share evaluation and reputation and reviews, reviews summary
- GOOD!!
- Usually?
Reviews Wanted! ! Let's write that it was found by using the Domain.com.au Rent and Share