Comenda Spare PartsInteractive Catalogue

Comenda Spare PartsInteractive Catalogue

[iPhone God App] It was found using the Comenda Spare PartsInteractive Catalogue actually

It is an APPlication for technical staff who are operating in the PROFESSIONAL DISHWASHING using equipments of Comenda Ali SpA, a company of Ali Group.
All the technical data and documents are available only for signed users (by USERNAME & PASSWORD) and using an Internet connection.
Using the APP the technical staff user can:
. search products and spare parts by filters
. search and view products from QR-code
. view products and spare parts on exploited views or in list
. view code, description, price and availability of spare parts
. add spare parts to a chart
. send orders by e-mail
. search and view technical documentation (bullettins, diagrams, manuals, …) on the web-site
. download documents inside your private library (on smartphone/tablet)
. view documents from you private library (off-line)

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