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[iPhone God App] It was found using the GadChick actually

Newsstand is full of free apps with paid subscriptions. GadChick is a FREE magazine. There's no paid subscription.

So what is Gadchick? t’s a place for gadgets geared towards making a woman’s life easier, and for women who love gadgets and technology. Yes, “Women.” Because if you want more than sites with lots of pink and Hello Kitty, then chances are you are not afraid to be called a woman. And men? They're welcome too.

We love pink. We love Hello Kitty. But we like gadgets too, and we aren’t going to show you a million pictures of phone cases with pink Hello Kitty images. So if you are ready to forget blogs with OMG’s and , and you’re ready to read something from women who still know how to write sentences that don’t come off as text messages, then stick around. If not, then go ahead and leave…well, at least try us out first.

Note About this Version

This is the first version of GadChick App; it needs tweaks! We are are a free-based app / magazine with limited staff, but are working hard to continue with this free model. Bear with us :-) In the meantime, we appreciate your feedback! Version 1.1 is already at work and we look forward to hearing your thoughts. Issue 2 is coming this March...for free, of course!

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