JotNot Signature+: quickly sign and annotate documents

JotNot Signature+: quickly sign and annotate documents

[iPhone God App] It was found using the JotNot Signature+: quickly sign and annotate documents actually

Sign PDF documents directly from your iPad or iPhone with JotNot Signature.

JotNot Signature makes it simple to sign documents in electronic format without having to print, sign and scan. Use JotNot Signature's built-in signature pad to sign your name and drop it into your document directly. Once signed, share your document via email or copy it to one of the supported cloud storage services, such as Dropbox,, or iDisk.

Use text, date and checkmark annotation types to fill out forms electronically. For added security, password protect your signed document before emailing or sharing. Additionally, add a password lock to the entire app to deter access to your JotNot Signature files by unauthorized persons.

JotNot Signature is the perfect companion to JotNot Fax. Use JotNot Signature for signing and then open it in JotNot Fax for faxing.


* Sign PDF documents from your iPhone or iPad
* Add Text, Date, and Checkmark annotations
* Import & Share documents from Email, Dropbox,, GDocs, WebDAV or iDisk
* Rename documents
* Sort manually or by date or name
* Password protect individual files
* Password lock the entire app

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