Number Challenge: How high can you count?

Number Challenge: How high can you count?

[iPhone God App] It was found using the Number Challenge: How high can you count? actually

How high can you count? Do you know the name of this number: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000?

How many grains of sand are there in a bucket? In a beach? In the Sahara desert? In the entire world?

If you are intrigued, then this app is for you. It has four different fun and informative parts:

1) It includes a NUMBER GENERATOR which allows you to see and hear the name of any number up to 10^3003.

2) Fun QUIZZES — Multiple choice quiz and number dictation quiz. Each allows you test your skills, learn and challenge friends.

You can customize the difficulty level and limit the highest number to play with kids and help them begin to explore the vast reaches of big numbers.

3) It includes an entertaining and engaging ESSAY on numbers and;

4) FUN FACTS on major numbers up to a centillion.

You can email challenges to friends or post them on Facebook.

It also has two additional fun voices, chipmunk and robotic, to further amuse you!

Learning Fun. Fun Learning.

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