Conquering Fear

Conquering Fear

  • 3.0
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  • Developer
    Craig Ray
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[iPhone God App] It was found using the Conquering Fear actually

Max Kirsten Apps - Featured in the UK Sunday Times. Best Apps in the World Feature 2013 for the 2nd year running.

Welcome to 'Conquering Fear' - Part of a series of iPhone and iPod Touch applications by Max Kirsten. Following the huge success of Max's apps, such as 'Quit Smoking Now', 'Weight Loss Now' and the 'ABC of Better Sleep' - Max now explores the fundamentals of bringing out the excellence in us all by conquering fear - in this Lite application.

Max Kirsten became The Times Newspaper's leading 'self-help' expert. Max Kirsten is a internationally renowned and highly qualified clinical hypotherapist - with many personal clients, including film stars, politicians and business leaders.

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Conquering Fear evaluation and reputation and reviews, reviews summary


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I love this

I love this

  • 5.0
  • Raqualina 2015/06/19

most of my life is based on fear, not making decisions or getting on with life. This app really helped me push forwards.



  • 5.0
  • geoff1277 2015/06/19

This app is brilliant !! I suffer from panic attacks and I use this when I need to calm down and put things back into perspective, I often put it on to fall asleep to and I always feel better the next day. If you suffer from any kind of anxiety buy this it is fantastic for getting reality back into your head!

"What was I was worrying about?" Most helpful.

  • 5.0
  • Rebecca. A. 2015/06/19

This is very calming, it helps me not let my mind wander into a F.E.A.R state as you call it. This teaches me how to live in the present... "in the moment." Discover the state of Mindfulness. It's beautiful comfort. Thanks!