[iPhone God App] It was found using the MarketingProfs actually
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Stuck in line or on hold? Use that time to breeze through the latest marketing digests from MarketingProfs.com. Skim each how-to article, chart, mini-article, upcoming event and more. And, if you're a PRO member, watch our Take 10 seminars right on your phone! Each one delivers actionable marketing takeaways. Current topics include Social Media Marketing, B2B Marketing, Customer Insight, Email Marketing, Small Business, Lead Generation, Mobile Marketing, Search Marketing, Analytics and more.
MarketingProfs.com is the home of thousands of marketing articles, case studies, templates and seminars. More than 620,000 business professionals rely on MarketingProfs.com to keep them up to date on marketing best practices.
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Stuck in line or on hold? Use that time to breeze through the latest marketing digests from MarketingProfs.com. Skim each how-to article, chart, mini-article, upcoming event and more. And, if you're a PRO member, watch our Take 10 seminars right on your phone! Each one delivers actionable marketing takeaways. Current topics include Social Media Marketing, B2B Marketing, Customer Insight, Email Marketing, Small Business, Lead Generation, Mobile Marketing, Search Marketing, Analytics and more.
MarketingProfs.com is the home of thousands of marketing articles, case studies, templates and seminars. More than 620,000 business professionals rely on MarketingProfs.com to keep them up to date on marketing best practices.
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